PLAN Officer Positions 2017

PLAN Elections 2017

Open Positions

The officers of the Association shall be President, Vice President, Treasurer and Executive Secretary. They shall be nominated and elected as herein provided at the Spring Annual Business Meeting of the Association. Tenure of office shall begin in August after they are elected or as soon as they have been duly elected and qualified.

The President shall preside at all meetings of the Association and the Executive Board. At the Spring Annual Business Meeting of the Association, the President shall present a report of the activities of the Association during the preceding year. The President will create and modify committees as needed and/or voted upon by the membership.

The Vice President shall perform such duties as may be assigned by the President and the Executive Board and shall perform the duties of the President at any time the President is unable to perform such duties.  The Vice President shall serve as a liaison with the Nevada Department of Education and local districts.

The Treasurer shall be the custodian of all Association funds and property. The Treasurer shall perform such other duties as may be assigned by the President or the Executive Board.  The Treasurer will maintain financial records, establish a budget, and see to the collection of dues and disbursement of funds at the direction of the President.  In addition, the Treasurer shall see to the annual filing of any federal or state forms related to the Association and its non-profit status.

The Executive Secretary shall be the custodian of all programs, papers, and documents. The Executive Secretary shall also perform such other duties as may be assigned by the President of the Executive Board.  The Executive Secretary shall keep the minutes of the general membership meetings and the minutes of the Executive Board meetings and shall be a registered agent of the corporation during the term of office. The Executive Secretary shall maintain an up-to-date database of members and potential members.

There will be 5 permanent committees.  Each committee chairperson serves as an officer during his/her tenure as chairperson.  Additional committees can be added based on President and Executive Board approval.



Outreach and mentorship

Media (newsletter)

Professional Development

There will be a Representative of each county (17), as available.   Each representative will be a voting member of the Executive Board during his/her tenure as representative.  He/she is responsible for sharing information with his/her county about the Association as well as reporting to the Executive Board about that status of language education in his/her county.

The term of office for the President, Vice President, Treasurer, and Executive Secretary will be three (3) years.  Each Committee Chairperson and County Representative will serve until such time that the representative or county requests another election.

The timeline below is for submission of information and for voting:

November 1-21 Nominees submit brief bio (paragraph of introduction) and paragraph about why

they should be elected; will send out an email and post a link on website for submission

November 21-30 Nominees’ info will be compiled into the voting format

Dec. 1-20 Voting is open via website and sent email

Dec. 23 New board is announced via website/email

Dec. 23-Jan.2 Transitions are made from current board to future board

Jan. 2 Newly elected board takes over