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Previous Nevada World Language TOYs
American Council on the Teaching of Foreign Languages
American Association of Teachers of Spanish and Portuguese
American Association of the Teacher of German
American Association of the Teachers of Japanese
American Association of Teachers of French
American Association of Teachers of Korean
American Association of Teachers of Italian
American Association of Teachers of Slavic and East European Languages
American Sign Language Teachers Association
American Classical League
Chinese Language Teachers Association (CLTA)
Confucius Institute Headquarters (Hanban)
Lead with Languages
Leadership Initiative for Language Learning (LILL)
Modern Language Association (MLA)
National Association of District Supervisors of Foreign Languages (NADSFL)
National Council of State Supervisors of Foreign Languages (NCSSFL)
National Network for Early Language Learning (NNELL)
NV DOE World Languages
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Southwest Conference on Language Teaching
State of Nevada Seal of Biliteracy
Teacher Effectiveness for Language Learning (TELL Project)